Breast Implant ExchangeWhile most women are pleased with their initial breast implants, for some, the changing appearance that comes with age, can create a desire for perkier, more youthful looking breasts. The implants that may have looked great at 20 years old may now feel and look too large at age 40 or 50. If size is the main concern, going bigger or smaller with your breast implants can usually be easily achieved with a breast implant exchange, also known as breast augmentation revision.

Reasons for breast implant exchange

Displeasure with the appearance of your initial breast implants, however, is only one of the many reasons why you may desire a breast implant exchange. Other reasons may include:

  • Changing aesthetics with age
  • Need for a breast lift to address the droopiness that may come from age, pregnancy, and weight loss or gain
  • Want to exchange the type of implant from saline to silicone
  • Desire to switch from textured to smooth breast implants
  • An issue with your breast implants such as capsular contracture

When should you replace your breast implants? Breast implants can last for 10, 15, 20 years or longer. But if you are unhappy with the look of your breasts or are concerned about a potential complication, then it is time to schedule a cosmetic consultation with a plastic surgeon. Breast implant revision surgery is not a standard or routine procedure and needs to be tailored specifically to the patient’s goals and desires. Finding a board-certified plastic surgeon rather than a cosmetic surgeon is a simple way to separate out those with the rigorous training and expertise to safely delivery exemplary results. To find a highly qualified plastic surgeon in the Dallas or surrounding area, search the member directory of the Dallas Society of Plastic Surgeons.

During your consultation, your plastic surgeon will listen attentively to what bothers you about your breasts. If possible, it is a good idea to bring your original surgical report and information about your implants for review during the consultation. Your surgeon will also perform a thorough physical exam, taking careful measurements. He or she will help you choose the right size of implant with the best combination of your desired outcome and the physical limitations of your anatomy.

Breast lift with breast implant exchange

Over time, the skin and tissues of your breasts may stretch and sag. With age, your body produces less collagen and elastin which provide support for the skin and the ability to “snap back.” In the process, your breast implants may shift out of their initial position. A breast implant exchange alone will not address the droopiness. During your consultation, your surgeon may recommend a breast lift with breast implant exchange to help you achieve your desired look and feel.

The breast lift allows your surgeon to reposition your nipples so that they are centered on the chest before exchanging your old implants with a pair of newer ones. The result are perkier, more youthful looking breasts!

Cosmetic consultation with a trained surgeon

For exemplary results and patient safety, choosing the right surgeon is particularly important when considering any kind of revision surgery. To become a “board-certified plastic surgeon” after three years of medical school and six years of general and plastic surgery residency, he or she is required, usually over the next two years, to pass the rigorous written and oral examinations administered by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.  To ensure you are choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon, schedule your consultation with a member of the Dallas Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Author: admin