Breast AugmentationIf you’re thinking about breast augmentation, you might have an idea of how the procedure works and what type of outcome you desire. Before you move forward with the surgery, however, you’ll meet with a plastic surgeon for a one-on-one consultation.

We highly recommend seeking a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon with the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.  During this time, you’ll have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. These may include the following.

Am I a good candidate?

While breast augmentation is a great option for many women, it’s not for everyone. During your consultation, the surgeon will review your medical history and your aesthetic goals to determine if you could benefit from the surgery. Rest assured they’ll ask you for all the information they need to make sure you’re a good candidate.

What results are realistic for me?

There are several implants with varying fillings and shapes. Each option can help patients achieve different goals. Once you explain your desired aesthetic, the surgeon will let you know whether you can realistically achieve it. If the answer is yes, they’ll explain the types of implants you might want to consider.

What is the recovery process like?

Just like most plastic surgeries, breast augmentation comes with a recovery period. Find out how long you’ll be out of commission and what restrictions you’ll have as you heal. If you understand the recovery process in advance, you’ll be able to plan ahead for it and increase your chances of a smooth and successful healing period.

What types of breast implants should I get?

Since there are so many types of breast implants out there, it can be difficult to determine which material, size, and shape is right for you. While you can do some research to get an idea of what may work best, the surgeon will be able to evaluate your goals and make a sound recommendation.

What are potential problems from breast implants?

You should understand potential breast implant issues before undergoing breast augmentation. Issues such as leakage, capsular contracture, implant migration, sensation loss, how implants affect mammograms, breast implant illness and ALCL are important to understand.

Being informed about and having an opportunity to discuss these issues with your plastic surgeon is essential to every breast augmentation consultation. The FDA now requires your surgeon to go over these with you prior to surgery.

Do I have to replace breast implants after 10 years?

There is no “10-year rule”. Implants only need to be replaced if there is a problem. This could be a change in the way your breasts look due to pregnancy or normal aging, a desire for a change in size or due to an implant issue like leakage or capsular contracture but not just because of a particular date on the calendar.

When will I see the results?

Unlike some cosmetic procedures, breast augmentation doesn’t offer immediate or instant results. It may take a few months for the breast implants to settle into their proper positions and for all the swelling to subside. Only then, will you enjoy the complete results. You can ask the surgeon for a realistic post-surgery timeline.

Come Prepared to Your Consultation

To make the most out of your time with the surgeon, make a list of questions in advance. If you’d like, you can schedule consultations with multiple surgeons so you can determine the ideal fit.

To begin your search for board certified plastic surgeons with a specialization in breast augmentation, please check out the Dallas Society of Plastic Surgeons’  member directory.

Author: DSPS