Neck LiftA neck lift is a long-lasting option for improving the visible signs of aging in the neck and jawline. A neck lift is a surgical procedure that should be performed by a highly trained, board-certified plastic surgeon. For more subtle results, nonsurgical options, such as a combination of injectables and laser treatments, can be considered as a good option for the right patient. After a cosmetic consultation, your plastic surgeon may recommend a combination of both surgical and nonsurgical options to restore your youthful appearance.

The most noticeable signs of aging of the neck begin in the 40s or 50s for both women and men. Heredity, gravity, environmental conditions, and stress can all be factors contributing to the aging process. Excess wrinkling of the neck skin, a double chin or “turkey wattle” and jowl lines can be significant indications that a neck lift is needed.

 A neck lift surgery can treat:

  • Excess fat and skin relaxation in the lower face which creates jowls
  • Excess fatty deposits under the chin
  • Loose neck skin
  • Muscle banding in the neck, which created abnormal contours

For the best, overall results, your plastic surgeon may recommend a combination of surgical procedures and nonsurgical treatments. Nonsurgical rejuvenation treatments, such as injectables and laser treatments, may help delay the time at which a neck lift becomes appropriate. Plastic surgeons often recommend non-surgical skin tightening devices utilizing radio frequency or ultrasound which have the benefit of reduced downtime. Injectables can minimize the appearance of wrinkles or reduce the look of a double chin.  A neck lift, lower facelift, along with nonsurgical treatments, for instance, can complement the results of surgery and provide you a more youthful appearance than a neck lift alone. Your surgeon may also recommend fat transfer to add fullness to the lips and cheeks, add balance to your face, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

To consider your options, schedule a cosmetic consultation with a highly qualified, board certified plastic surgeon member of the Dallas Society of Plastic Surgeons through this directory of members.

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